Friday, October 10, 2008

A tale of foolishness

I would like you to imagine for a moment a man (for I think I can call myself that now) getting ready for an adventure that will take him across continents and oceans. He is packing his belongings and chooses (poorly) to pack three pairs of pants. Fast forward four months. Having only three pairs of pants, this young man (a compromise) discovers much to his dismay, that Africa is not kind on Pants. Infact, it is downright cruel! He wears them every day (for to go without pants would be shameful) and this only adds to their lament! The holes get wider and the grease stains darker. He could buy pants here, but he would then have to conform to a bizarre, “French” fashion he is not too comfortable with (not that he has ever been comfortable with fashion, which is why this new crisis is all the more worrisome!) The fool, the half wit, the boy!

I’ve been reading too much, who says “half wit” these days?


Anonymous said...

Facing a similar situation, the other men have in fact bought pants.

Just so we are clear. As a wise man once asked "who do we have to impress?"

Pamela P said...

What could "French" pants be? Something fashionable? Something with a striped shirt? Didn't your mother tell you, there was more to life than "cargo pants". Reach out, you might like "French" pants.

Peggy said...

Hey Kev,
How about a loincloth?
You could recycle those tattered trousers.

Kel said...

I'm glad you commented on your pants situation and not your underwear situation...
Now does your description "The holes get wider and the grease stains darker" also apply to your briefs? I guess you can't call them "tightie whities" anymore!? Maybe I shouldn't of asked.
Anyways... I hope you don't have to submit to the "French" undergarments... they might ride a little in the back.
Thank you for saving us from the true horrors of Africa.

Colleen said...

Kevin maybe you could just wear a Basotho blanket in lieu of pants? That would solve any future pants problems!